Shannon Marschall

Research Technician II
(Joint with Akhila Rajan)

I am a Research Technician II at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center affiliated with the Basic Sciences Division. I am a shared technician for both the Subramaniam and Rajan lab.

I received my BS in Psychology with a double minor in applied mathematics and biology from Endicott College. I received my MS in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition with a specialization in CognitiveNeuroscience from Tufts University. During my graduate studies, I worked as a student research assistant for the Neuroscience and Aging lab at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging. I completed my graduate work with Tong Zheng, investigating the effects of a low Vitamin K diet on cognition in an aged mouse model. Additionally, I worked as a technician for the USDA under Barbara Hale investigating the effects of berry supplementation on cognition and gait in older adults. My research interests include investigating the mechanisms underlying the interactions between nutrition, diet, and neuroscience. Outside of work, I love to travel, go to the beach, go skiing, cook, and go to concerts.