Jamie Yelland

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
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I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the lab of Rasi Subramaniam. I study mechanisms of translational control, with an interest in how cellular factors and environmental conditions affect the stability of mRNAs.

I grew up in eastern Washington state and studied biochemistry at Oberlin College. I was fortunate to receive a Darmasiswa Scholarship from the government of Indonesia, which led me to the city of Surakarta for two years, where I studied Javanese gamelan music. After returning to the USA, I completed my PhD in biochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin, where I studied eukaryotic ribosome assembly with Arlen Johnson and David Taylor. In my spare time I enjoy long distance running, rock and mountain climbing, playing music and exploring the great outdoors with my partner Sabrina and our two dogs Maia and Irma.